Demons, Spirits, O My!!!
I am writing this to share my personal experiences with thought forms, demons, trickster spirits, and so forth. In doing this I am hoping...

Binaural Beats
In, a world where we're bombarded by thoughts we forget to be still. This is especially prominent for the practitioner to learn as this...

Curses and Hexes
Curses can be created on conscious or subconscious level; therefore not always intentional. Magick is creation within our mind that can...

Sacred Menstruation in Magick
Written by Caia Amorie In magickal practice there is diverse opinions when regarding the use of blood. When it comes to the use of...

The Crossroads
When it comes to "The Crossroads" there are various meanings on what they represent in ones life. These variations change depending on...

Human Psyche and the Psychic mind
The conscious and the unconscious is a scientific mystery of what is believed to be the makeup of the human soul. According to Sigmund...

Self Discipline
Written By Teala In the recent years, I have noticed an increase in torpid mindset. That is all well if, you do not intend to reach your...

Divination Techniques
Written by Raven White Divination is a practice commonly used to communicate with Entities, Deities and Spirits. There are many methods...

Luciferianism and Satanism United
This article is a summation of my experiences in life combined with in-depth study of many different topics and subjects related to the...

Runic Necromancy
Written by Dan Updike This is a simple rite necromancy using rune magick (working with the spirits of the dead and with death energy) ...