Explaining magickal energy Techniques part 2
Finding your Center/Chakra Visualization
By Lee Johnson
Finding your Center and Visualization is fantastic for raising energy before doing any magickal work. Did you know you have many energy centers in your body which correlate with your spiritual or ones astral body? You sure do! These psychic centers of energy are most commonly called chakras. There are many different schools of thought as to how many chakras a body has. Likewise, there is an ancient Indian spiritual philosophy known as ayurveda which combines the body, sense organs, mind and soul to guide the processes of energy and rebirth. In western magick, most people agree that there are 6 classic chakras.
The Crown Chakra - Right above your head, and the largest of all the chakras. This one connects you to the spiritual, and your higher self.
The Third Eye - Located between and above your eyes, this Chakra is in the center of your forehead and is said to govern clairvoyance.
The Throat Chakra - Just as it sounds; it is located in the throat. It represents communication… Kind of predictable with the name and meaning huh?
The Heart Chakra - Located in the center of your chest. This center governs emotions.
The Solar Plexus Chakra - Located just above the navel, usually by a few inches. This chakra is all about will power.
Root Chakrab- Between the genitals and the anus. It represents primitive states of being and sex. It's also one of the hardest ones to talk about with a straight face.
Now there are plenty of systems that only recognize a few of these, while others boast upwards of 300 chakras. For charging purposes, and for a psychic protection technique Wich I plan to give later, I add one more to the classic six, and that is the Earth Chakra.
Earth Chakra - This is the chakra created when the feet are near proximity, and is the combined point used to absorb energy from the ground. This chakra symbolizes being grounded and balanced. (See grounding in part one of this series)
This one exercise is so important because it activates all seven of these psychic centers. I personally recommend this exercise to be performed either standing straight up, or lying down or while stretched out completely. Clear your mind as much as possible and increase the depth of your breathing. When you feel you are ready, move your awareness to the area just above your head to the crown chakra. Gently visualize the center there as a white ball of light. Start by seeing the ball as being rather small. As you inhale, will the energy to grow, becoming more concentrated and powerful. As you exhale, see the center shine with a new brightness. Repeat this breathing/energy building a few times, and pause for a moment to feel it's powerful energy. When you are ready, visualize a white line of light extending from the crown chakra to your next center in the middle of your forehead. As with the crown chakra, see this center as a small ball of white light and allow it to grow larger as the energy builds in this area. As before, you want to will the energy of this chakra to shine with every exhalation. Again take a moment to feel it and then extend another line down to the next chakra, the throat. Charge this area until you feel satisfied and then draw a line to the heart or chest center. Charge this potent center and then draw your next line to your solar plexus, just above your navel. Next we take our line of light down to the sex or root chakra located at the genitals. Charge this center well before drawing a long line to our last stop, the earth chakra. The earth chakra and the crown chakra are usually visualized as being a little bit larger than the other centers of the body. After the earth chakra is charged, take a moment to become aware of all seven of these centers glowing with a powerful charge.
The next step is to create two lines of light from the earth chakra at your feet. Take each line up around the side of your body and connect it to your crown chakra, creating a circuit of energy. Send energy down the line you had previously created down through each chakra all the way to the earth center. The energy should continue again up the two lines and through the whole cycle again. Time it with your breathing so that each surge of energy moves when you breathe in and out. I always visualize the energy moving up the two lines at my side as I breathe in, and then down through all the chakras as I breathe out. Repeat this for a few cycles before gently letting the imagery fade from your mind's eye. Slowly open your eyes and take a few more breaths before moving on to a magickal task or just everyday life.
It is a fact some people may already have a high level of energy naturally. For instance when I was younger (can you hear my bones creaking as I type this?) I never had to use energy raising techniques before magick. I was constantly wired in everyday life, and my magickal life followed suit. So if you feel your levels are already high enough, than by all means skip over this step. Likewise there are some days where one is revved up, and others when one is a walking zombie. Use common sense when deciding if energy raising is necessary. It is my hope this series answers some of the posted questions in group. Ave Satana! Luciferi excellsi!