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Theistic Satanism vs Atheistic Satanism

By Marie RavenSoul


Theistic Satanism is the reverence of Satan as an actual sentient entity. The beliefs of Satanists vary. Some believe that Satan was a fallen angel while others believe he is primordial. He has been worshiped by different names throughout history in many different cultures and civilizations. He is responsible for mankind having Free Will and self-knowledge. He encourages his followers to be wise, empowered, creative, and to attain spiritual mastery. The practices of Theistic Satanism include prayer, meditation, devotion, ritual, and pathworking. Magick is also incorporated into the practice of many Satanists but it is not necessary.


Satanism does not have a book that must be followed, and each Satanist is responsible for their own moral code. The highest goal for the Satanist is to develop a relationship with Satan, and the way in which this is determined is between Satan and the individual. Some Satanists only focus on Satan; whereas, some also have a connection with the demons, who are the ancient gods and goddesses worshiped by the ancient Pagans. A common misconception is that the worship or reverence that Theistic Satanists show towards Satan and the demons is the same as how the Abrahamic religions worship, by groveling on one’s knees. This cannot be furthest from the truth. Satan does not demand worship, but he will receive it if freely given. This worship is more of a reverence from the heart and soul and can be shown in many ways.


Atheistic Satanism is primarily a philosophy. Adherents view Satan as an archetype or symbol and do not believe that he is sentient. Since the name Satan means adversary, they claim the name as their own. They believe they can become their own god, that they don’t need a deity to worship or to gain power from. Imagery is very important to them, so they incorporate Satanic themes into their practices. Many Atheistic Satanists follow The Satanic Bible written by Anton LaVey, viewing it as a guidebook to live by. There are a few Atheistic Satanist organizations, but the most vocal ones are The Church of Satan and The Satanic Temple.


Both types of Satanism have a few things in common. They both believe in self-empowerment, acceptance of their true nature, and the basic tenets of Satanic philosophy. The main difference is how they view Satan. Atheistic Satanists say that the Theists are delusional, while the stance of Theists is that Atheists haven’t had a spiritual experience. Both are real viewpoints to the individual.


There is always something that both types of Satanists can learn from each other. For the past couple of years, an Atheistic Satanist organization has gotten involved in standing up for important social and political issues such as reproductive rights and fighting against religion in schools. Their enthusiasm can be an example to all. Theistic Satanists show spiritual enlightenment and unwavering devotion and honor. They exhibit the wisdom and knowledge that they have learned from Satan and the demons. Nothing can compare to that.

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