Eclectic Satanist
By Teala Curtis
Eclectic Satanist is one who follows more than a single tradition and who utilizes different paths, cultures, and traditions. These different traditions are blended together as parts of the puzzle and are collected into a unified whole which is their own path. Eclectic Satanist is a collective mindset.
Eclectic Satanist vs Traditional
The age of information has given us the tools we need as LHP occultist to expand our knowledge; resulting in that most of us are eclectic. The more we allow ourselves to learn the more we evolve as people, as consciousness, and humanity. As eclectic practitioners, our minds are able to remain open and receptive to knowledge, ideas, beliefs, and methods of practice, on the other hand, members of various traditions, are based heavily on rules and exact definitions. I believe that as Eclectic practitioners we are able to expose ourselves to see the whole picture, not just one perspective.
Never limit yourself from learning.
You have chosen the Left-Hand Path and in other words, do not be sheep to another; instead, create your own path.
Darkest Blessings