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Anti Cosmic Satanism

By Yaksha Talbot


This particular path of Satanism revolves around the ideological concept of bringing forth the destruction of creation. The source goes back to Tiamat the Mesopotamian Dragon Goddess of Chaos and her war with her son Marduk. Marduk is a creator god which is the model for Zeus, Yahweh and the like. That younger god who demands submission. All that is must be destroyed. It is this creational aspect that enslaves our essence in this mundane limited existence. The source of all comes from the realm of Chaos or the Void as others have called it. This mundane world is a cage for our spirits and setting our essence free is the goal of Anti Cosmic Satanism. 


The entities which are embraced in this path are the dark destructive gods and forces which seek to destroy creation. Lilith, Samael, Angra Mainyu to name a few. The eclectic nature of this path allows the practitioner to adopt any system found which will strengthen the bonds with the Dark Gods. Spiritual violence is key in this method of practice. Many will utilize the Qlippoth and the Goetia as a means to commune with the Dark Ones. There are no set structured laws or any specific factual way to practice this path. Whatever brings you closer to the goal of the destruction of creation to bring forth the dark eon and return to Chaos.


Satan who is the male principle of Chaos has only one law Lawlessness. We as Anti Cosmic Satanists should embrace the lawlessness and bring this power to light in the mundane dead world. 


With all this being said when it comes to this path in the context of our work we utilize spiritual violence to destroy what stands in our way. If one struggles with self-esteem, anger, unproductive habits etc. These things are an aspect of creation be it circumstances out of one's control or your own created illusions. This is where this path can work. One doesn't have to be some crazy destructive individual all one has to understand that created elements often poison us as human beings and these must be destroyed. 


This path was made well known by the Order of Nine Angles and Temple of the Black Light, however, they do not define what it means to be an Anti Cosmic Satanist. There are three types of souls: those born of clay(most people who follow and need direction, slaves) those born psychic (with one foot on the other side with many choices to express) and those born of fire (raging spirits that realize they don't belong here and know creation is wrong). Those of us born of fire will align themselves with Anti Cosmic Satanism not to justify causing chaos but because it explains how we feel and how we always felt. 


Anti Cosmic Satanism is not for everyone and can lead to insanity however if one can channel the power of the great mother one can ascend to a state of spiritual freedom. 


Hail Tiamat! Hail Satan! Hail Lucifer! Hail Azerate! 

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