Book of the Dead The Guide to Alchemical transformation of the Soul
The Book of the Dead is said to be one the oldest religious text. This mysterious guide revealed magickal spells to navigate you...

If it doesn't flow, let it go
Written by Valentia Ra Mantra: If it doesn’t flow, let it go. This trap is so easy to fall into. I catch myself doing it sometimes and...

Wolf Charmer of Valentines
The Greeks and Romans called the Wolf Charmer the Lupicinus. The Lupicinus was a man skilled in singing to or communicating with wolves,...

Psychological Warfare among Witches
Magick is the tool of the witches to awaken their true desires of ones will and bend energies to your benefit. You have power over...

Breath in the Serpent
The Path to Satan Research is key into the path of Satan as willful ignorance will only limit your growth. Question yourself and the...

Types of Metals and the use in Magick
Let us Begin with Gold the treasure that has created an obsession driving some man to madness. It’s a symbol of wealth, royalty, power of...

Are Satan and God the Same?
Greetings Brothers and Sisters I am doing a lesson or proposing a theory god and the devil is one of the same. I know this may upset some...

Merry Yule
Greetings my fellow witches breathe in that pine and welcome the New Year as Yule is among us once again. The day that marks the winter...

Written by Billy Myers So I want to begin with what is auric flow? Keep in mind I am not a reiki master who has taken certified courses...

Behind the Pentagram
Invoking the magickal elements as way to empower you as an magician. This symbol has carried itself throughout history adapting itself...