Behind the Pentagram
Invoking the magickal elements as way to empower you as an magician. This symbol has carried itself throughout history adapting itself into modern society. By some this symbol creates a mysterious story that leaves some in fear. For those who dare to travel along the occult path will discover its hidden properties. Allowing the witch to use this symbol as an extension of ones own magick.
The pentagram symbol has been traced all the back to Ancient Babylon and has played major part within almost every ancient culture, from the Mayans, India, China, Greece, and Egypt. Finally, earning it's name thanks to the Greeks. Penta literally translates to the number "5" followed by gramma "a letter". It wasn't until Pythagoras came along revealing it's geomatical significance to the body of man and the human soul. The five points were prestation's of the elements that make up man: fire, water, air, earth, and the human psyche (soul).
This symbol has also played a part of the Xian faith as the 5 points were representations of the 5 wounds or 5 pillars of Christ. The medieval magicians used this symbol as way to become connected to god or the divine.
Jewish Kabbalists were strongly influenced by Greek philosophy and this is revealed within the top 5 Sephirot pushing towards the divinity and the inverted pentagram is said to lay with the Qliphoth. Hence part of the reason that inverted became a strong Satanic symbol.
In alchemy the pentagram is symbolic to the transmutation of the human soul or the magick of the psyche. The creation of our desires are made within darkness and emerges into the light. The upward pentagram representing the energy flowing upwards into the heavens (our god self). On the other hand, the inverted is the energy manifesting out from your mind onto the mundane plane. The famous saying "As Above, So Below" originating from the Emerald tablets is teaching the continuous cycle of both. Use this symbol to empower you within both spiritual ascension and getting what you want in this life.