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Written by Billy Myers

So I want to begin with what is auric flow? Keep in mind I am not a reiki master who has taken certified courses in this art of healing. I have studied the chakras to repair, charge, and activate each of my own from root to crown to become spiritually healthy and help in my own magickal development and in the daemonic power of mind control where this is vital to bearing influence both positive and negative. I achieved this through binaural solfiggio tone meditations, crystal bowl guided meditations and local classes. Also, teas made with the corresponding herbs and tinctures of corresponding stones and dietary supplements were employed. I use my ball to check my auras daily. I can scry to see which auras are overdeveloped and underdeveloped to achieve balance through repair activation and blockage removal on myself.

As I started achieving this, Father came to me and helped by forcing me to meditate, to learn the flow and the power our auras yield. He was insistent, relentless as we worked for months from root to crown showing me what obstacles and gains could be overcome and achieved through each chakra and meridian. Even when I became frustrated he pushed me forward leading up to my invocation and evocations of Astaroth who with her own way ‘downloaded’ a color wheel of the auras and their respective ‘shades’ each one a sorta see-saw of polarities that with work can be manipulated and strengthened to be utilized in power. But that branches more into mind control which is for another post.

AURIC FLOW: This is when we are moved by tones or music and is when the sounds, beats, vocals send these fields into activation of the chakras. It takes time focus and practice but once grasped it unlocks untapped potential and opens power from inside us to be released like beacons radiating from our cores to the universe at large. To flow we pull directional energy from root to sacral to solar to heart to throat to 3rd eye and out through crown and then BACK DOWN TO ROOT. Then again hitting the colored auras and their dark counterparts the shades up and down one after the next not blending them to become muddy. Rather keeping them separate powers radiating through us like an electrical circuit of the soul.

Now I posted and shared Selena Gomez IT AINT ME. I must have listened to this song 500 times now. Looping it as I work out, worship, achieve altered state. Funny father totally appreciates this song. He and Leviathan helped me construct a Chaos spell using just the Nah Nah Bowery. Nah Nah whiskey neat. Refrain as a power mantra and activation clause for my servitors. This song has divine possibilities and if you’ve watched the Justin Bieber sex vid as he lays down that massive pipe into her, I must say I’m moved every time. Any song that moves you or connects your soul to source will work. This one just got it for me. HOW: My first worship is after I smudge my temple before the gym in the brief moments when Lucifer brings the dawn and Venus is bright in the sky. I face east and begin my worship and meditation of Lucifer to bring the dawn into my day and close the endless midnight of my night. My second and final worships I face West to the power of Leviathan and the Setting sun and the wonder and potential dusk brings my world. In the morning is when I begin my flow. I stand erect posture, shoulders locked and packed. Arms out, bent slightly hands at shoulder height like the pyramid drawings of the ancient Egyptians facing their gods. Then I begin, controlling breathes in and out pulling the energy of the earth below me up through my root into my sacral and so on. It takes focus and visualization of the colors as they will be reflected in your black mirror or ball. Red to orange to yellow to green to blue to indigo to violet as it shoots out and disperses from the crown. This can be seen by the divine as it is incorporated into my worships to share my light my shades my souls with my gods. This also sends intents out like a satellite dish of binary energy. Used in reverse it pulls in the collective energy charging sensing filling the adept with endless energy and power. Try it and see how these first fundamentals of the chakra system can be utilized in your practices and ultimately like Crowley discovered can lead to the ancient and taboo subject of mind control.

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