"If you have time to breathe you have time to meditate. You breathe when you walk. You breathe when you stand. You breathe when you lie down."
– Ajahn Amaro

Coffee Mediation
By Lady Reijya
Hey everyone! Are you struggling getting through your routine of meditation or ritual work? I have a very good meditation that involves working Coffee into your ritual prep. You can use any caffeinated beverage such as tea or hot chocolate as well. This also works with literally any kind of beverage if you skip the brewing part for non brewed types of beverage. I am going to show you the full meditation and then reference my own blog post as well for you all to read a little more on if you wish. I am not advertising my blog, I am just offering you all a different way of looking at your morning rituals.
"...So here is a very quick meditation you can do every day, once a day, or even several times a day to wrap up this article. This is one of my original meditations that I have written. This is one that I do every day with my coffee with every cup.
As you Choose your mug for the morning, or drinking container, make sure you always choose your favorite cup. Make note of why it is your favorite cup. Vocalize 1 reason why it is your favorite cup today. (Example: OOO! I really like the white pearly ceramic cup with the gold paint! So elegant!)
As you pour your coffee, do so slowly. Watch the coffee make shapes as it flows from the spout of your coffee pot into your cup. Be mindful of it. Can you smell the aroma? How does the smell of this coffee make you feel? Don't fight back any facial expressions, If you feel like smiling, then smile with your eyes closed to further your joy! If you feel like frowning in disgust, then do so, and think of a way to fix the reason you are frowning.
Before you add anything to your coffee pick the cup up and smell it again. Yes. This step is important!! Again be mindful! (When I shop I always pick a flavored variety such as french roast, or Hazelnut just for the smells.) Note how the smells make you feel! Vocalize it! Make sure it is positive!
If you drink coffee black, then skip this step. Add your fix ins. Be mindful as you do so! How do you add these fix ins? Quickly with anticipation? Do you like to watch the sugar slowly pour in? do you swirl the creamer or watch it mix itself in?
Hold the coffee with both hands and make note of the warmth in your hands. Take a moment and enjoy this allowing the feeling to go up your arms, into your heart chakra and up through your throat, third eye and crown. Smile like Mona Lisa and inhale on a count of 6 through your nose, hold for a count of 6, and exhale a count of 4 through your mouth over the coffee as if you are cooling it. Affirm "Oh Coffee, How I enjoy you!" Take a sip once cool and say, "Aaaah, Coffee how you warm my soul!"
When you take your first 3 sips, sip lightly, and let it sit on the tip of your tongue be mindful of the taste. then swallow!
When you finish with this routine begin your meditation, yoga, tai chi or other morning routines!..."
I hope this very light and beginner's level 3 minute meditation helps some of you beginner level folk. Much love to all who wish to learn.