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Thelema Satanist



Thelema quite literally means, “will” from the Greek and the concept of individual will is key to its understanding. Although its origins can be traced to at least the 16th century (and possibly even further), any modern study of Thelma must center upon the writings of Aleister Crowley beginning in 1904, chiefly “The Book of the Law.” It can be considered both a social philosophy and a religion depending on one’s interpretation, but the basic tenants can be expressed by two quotes from Crowley:


“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”


“Love is the Law, love under will.”


Regardless of the secular or religious view of Thelema, its central theme remains the same: The discovery and fruition of one’s “True Will,” that is to say, a person’s true nature or calling. This nature differs from person to person, but the methods used to uncover this nature are called Magick. The wide interpretations of Thelema have also led to many religions being followed by its adherents (called Thelemites), including Satanism, Gnosticism, Wicca, and many others.


The more religious form of Thelema derives many of its deities and characters from ancient Egypt, the Middle East, India and, in the case of “The Beast,” Crowley himself. Whether a follower can interact and communicate with these beings, is largely left to the Thelemite herself. Personal choice in interpretation is a common theme in Thelma.


As with most philosophies/religions, Thelema carries with it a set of liberties as well as rules. “Do what thou wilt” encompasses the right to live life as one sees fit in all aspects and also the right to harm anyone who infringes on those rights. The other side of the coin is what Crowley called “duties.” They include the duty to enlighten others and respect their choices in living their lives. Thelema also prohibits unnecessary violence toward humans and animals.


Thelema is a simple philosophy and a complex one at the same time. Mastering all the writings and rituals takes years and intense study. The fact that it allows for interpretation doesn’t make it easier. However, for the novice Thelemite, devout Traditional Satanist, Leveyan Satanist, LHP follower, etc… there are excellent ideas and concepts to draw upon and possibly integrate into their faiths.

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