"This serpent, SATAN, is not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil; He bade 'Know Thyself!' and taught Initiation."
Aleister Crowley
Welcome Brothers and Sisters
We are group of dedicated Satanist, Luciferians, and Demonolaters.
We accept all types of Satanic practitioners including: Theistic Spiritual, Pantheistic, Transcendental, Anti-Cosmic, Medieval, Traditional, etc. We do not argue who is right but we open our minds and learn from each other.
Satanism is creating one’s own path and we must not limit ourselves.

Why the Serpent?
Our group is represented by the serpent for various reason.
Serpents were central to many mythologies. We see in some of these myths the serpent represents healing and transformation while in others fertility and nature.
The serpent is our spiritual life force, known as the kundalini. This sexual energy rests like a coiled serpent at the base of the spine. When this dormant energy flows freely upward through the seven chakras and leads to an expanded state of consciousness. Keeping this in mind we can take the abyss and the divine and connect these to our spiritual awakening.
The pearly gates; is naught but a completely calcified pineal gland. To die, and go to heaven is to be eternally trapped within the pineal gland, to be placated with familiar images to harvest the positive energy produced.
The pit where the serpent lies.
Cold, the last circle of hell where Satan is chained away in a frozen lake.
This is the kundalini serpent, inactive and bound in the abyss.
The contrary to this is a burning hot kundalini.
On the abyss,
Or rather in the abyss is based the pillars of heaven. This is essentially our spinal column. The abyss is usually from the chest down, devoid of energy in the chakras, the circles of hell (solar plexus, sacral, and root). Our chakras are quite similar to the innards of the earth, The mantle, outer core, and inner core.
Unchurning, unlit, it can really appear to be an abyss when the lower chakras are without power.
When functioning, the kundalini serpent is awakened, and, up to the individual who's firmly grounded the lower spheres, they can raise the serpent up to completely illuminate the pillar, turning into the tree of life once it breaks through heaven and opens the crown.
Writers Teala Curtis and Nel Amandus