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Breath in the Serpent

The Path to Satan

Research is key into the path of Satan as willful ignorance will only limit your growth. Question yourself and the beliefs you hold dearly and push yourself to find the truth. The moment you feel omniscient is when you no longer understand anything. When information is traced to the beginning of time and new figures arise. Therefore, it is not possible for any of us to know everything. We must accept that and continue to push our paradigm for evolution of our minds and souls. Satan is not the enemy of I nor god but the adversary of our intentional unawareness.

Now reflect on the knowledge you have obtained and if possible, put it to the test through practice of your craft of magick and rituals. To truly question we must be willing to test all possible theories. Now meditate this is key to any great magician. In this state you will gain personal gnosis, develop discipline, and be able to communicate clearly with the demonic divine. Satan does not want his followers to be mindless slaves but those who can think for themselves and have the power to change what they see fitting.

Seek Guidance from your guides and other individual who are on this path. Teach others what you have discovered and keep an open mind to what they have to offer. This allow you to move forward onto your path simultaneously contributing to build the community under the demonic divine. Fighting will get us no where and may even drive your path downwards.

Take care of yourself as this will help you with your magick and building your will power. Keep an eye on your diet and think about starting your day out with walk. Take time to meditate at 15 mins. a day. Instead of wasting time on watching Netflix read a book or allow your creative juices to come out to play. Nothing wrong with binge watching but do not allow yourself to become indolent.

Build relationships with the demonic divine and Satan by practicing daily rituals and offerings. Allow Satan to guide you in all parts of your life. Breath in the Serpent

Hail SataInfernal Blessings

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