Sacred Menstruation in Magick
Written by Caia Amorie In magickal practice there is diverse opinions when regarding the use of blood. When it comes to the use of menstrual blood the majority seem to nod as the practice is mentioned but there seems to be little understanding as to why it is used in the first place. Looking at the blood scientifically to see if there is any life within the blood should be the first place one looks. If there is any power mystically it will be grounded and manifested in the physical world first. Then what are the magickal patterns of the manifestations through the menstruation process in women? Does it come about in a divine way? In ancient civilizations, did they use menstrual blood and what were their views on menstruation? And finally today, how and why would we integrate it into witchcraft?
Well let’s start with scientific research. It’s the undeniable proof of what is proven in the scientific community. Menstrual blood has stem cells in it which means it has the same regenerative capabilities as umbilical cords. There are menstrual blood banks where one could donate their menstrual blood if one wished to.
Menstrual blood is different than regular blood due to its physical properties and composition. Stem cells is one difference but it also includes containing endometrial tissue, remnants of unfertilized egg sacs, anticoagulants, water, vaginal secretions, electrolytes, and of course blood. So when we look at menstrual blood as being a tool in the trade, the metaphysical properties of the menstrual blood are in correlation to its physical properties. Which is regeneration, fertility, life force and drive to prevent stagnation, the divine feminine and intuition, pleasure and power.
Women by birth who are blessed with monthly menstruation are Lunar Children. They are imbued with power from The Moon Goddess. Unless of pregnancy or health issues, women have 13 periods a year. Likewise we have 13 full moons a year in the lunar calendar. Some women bleed with the full moon or bleed with the new moon. The number 13 itself also has numerological significance of transformation and rebirth. If you bleed with the new moon it is known as The White Moon Cycle and if you bleed with the full moon it is known as The Red Moon Cycle. Over the course of a woman’s life given good health, her body should naturally attune to both cycles. If a woman is tuned to the White Moon Cycle her blood is heavily imbued with fertility, motherhood & protection, and divine intuition. If a woman is tuned to the Red Moon Cycle her blood is heavily imbued with the power of shamanism, dark magick, and creation.
In ancient civilizations, moon lodges, or where women would go to menstruate together are present throughout many cultures. Often though through patriarchal societies women were considered dangerous when they menstruate together so these sacred sites and rituals were ultimately destroyed. And thus over time it was demonized and the mysticism removed from it entirely. In the ancient creation myths and legends, menstrual blood was used in an elixir of immortality, Gods stole it from Goddesses, it was used to create the cosmos and much more. For example, Odin and Indra in two different mythos, both stole menstrual blood for their magickal objective in gaining supremacy. In Ancient Egypt, menstrual blood was often used in their sanctimonious rites often through ingestion by both the priestess and priest, to ensure communion with the spirits.
Today one could get a diva cup or moon cup online. The following listed should be done with 100% healthy menstrual blood. If not one could get sick or spread further disease. Menstrual blood can be collected and poured into mason jars or little apothecary jars. This is where this becomes an art according to the woman that collects it. I have moved from mason jars to little apothecary bottles. Some bottles were from sun’s eye essential oil/crystals oils/deity oils. Once they were in a bottle, further charging with crystals, oil remnants, or herbal remnants, their uses were very expansive. Using menstrual blood to sanctify ink used in your BOS has always been a favorite. For instance if you have bought dragonsblood pen ink you could split the bottle into two quantities and refill with menstrual blood. I prefer to use a strict kind of parchment paper, one that does not degrade when soaked in menstrual blood. So I take the sheets of paper and use the menstrual blood to soak through it, let it sun dry or moon charge depending on time of year and then add it to my BOS.
It could also be made into a special altar oil, consecration/anointing oil, or into body paint for magickal symbols. I like to incorporate it into my witches bottle every year that I make to be buried around the house. Oil and blood do not mix well. So shaking it up every time is a must and be patient with it until you find a good ratio. Also finding the appropriate essential oil for what you wish to do should be done with care, as some oils aren’t energetically compatible. It can be ingested for communion rites, obviously as stated it should be done with disease free blood. Sometimes if the blood is powerful it can bind anything it touches and even further enslaving. It can be used to consecrate a candle in candle magick.
It can be used to draw a circle to contain the power generated plus generate more power as it does, if you don’t mind getting blood on your floor of course. In baneful magick, adding it to your ritual bath before stepping into the circle, can greatly bring about powerful results. The “blood bath” and being the victor, swimming in your enemies blood, with the aid of your life power that has covered every square inch of your body, while in a excellent-conductor (water) is pretty intense if you can get past the taboo nature of it.
The blood can open up gateways spiritually with certain entities as well. The blood can be charged under different astrological events, giving it different metaphysical properties. It can be used to sanctify your personal sigil and name every year under your magickal birthday. It can be used in many more practices magickally as well. I have known a few witches who have collected their menstrual blood and sold it to practitioners who could not produce it.The practitioners had amazing results.
It can be used in rites of sex, lust, fertility, power, divine intuition & dream magick, transformation, communion, death, protection, binding, and vampyrism.
For the personal witch it truly is your energetic signature or stamp of approval if you will. It is the first and last line of power that feeds your intent. That is because it is directly linked to your life force. It pulls from the strength of your being to fuel your magick.
That brings up my final point on how one should take good care of their physical self. Eating well, being physically active, and over-all good health is going to be indicative of the life force that is in the blood that we bleed. The stronger you are the stronger the life force. The life force or power we raise to direct our intent circles back around to our physical roots on this plane. Emotions are the where the intent is birthed, the life force we build up is the gunpowder that brings that intent into manifestation. With menstrual blood having stem cells, it is alive. More than alive. It washes out the old (death), has life in it (stem cells) and the vaginal secretions representing the earthly sex.
Sex, Death and Regeneration all in one drop of blood. That’s the mystical beauty of it. Women were gifted with a magickal elixir that we earn through pain for 3 - 7 days a month. That is considered to be an initiation into shamanistic practices in some cultures. Today, all this time we were led astray magickally to reject our very own amrita. Hopefully after today we find ourselves wandering back in The Red Tents honoring the Moon Goddess and all that makes us divine.
~~~ Passion, Pleasure, Love & Lust~~~ Caia Amorie