Human Psyche and the Psychic mind
The conscious and the unconscious is a scientific mystery of what is believed to be the makeup of the human soul. According to Sigmund Freud, the psyche mind is broken down into 3 parts ( The Id, Super-Ego, and The Ego). The unconscious mind is connected to our Id. This is where we tap into our dream and astral self. Behind the Super-Ego lies our sense of importance and morality. The Ego is the conscious mind is what drives our Super-Ego. This concept is similar to the Hindu philosophy behind the 3 bodies (Gross, Astral, and Casual). The Gross body is our physical, astral is our mind and casual connects us with both the consciousness and unconsciousness. Leaning our true selves will gain you the power over both your spiritual and mundane matters.
Taping into your unconsciousness and subconscious will allow you to have more control of the physical manifestations in your life. Exploring these hidden parts needs to be done with an open mind to truly discover you. Taping into your hidden self will naturally build your psychic mind.
The psychic and the human psyche correlate from a similar source of the mind or soul. However, the psyche is believed to connect with different frequencies resulting in supernatural gifts (telepathy, clairvoyant, etc.). Everyone is naturally psychic but they're ways to develop your gifts or obtain new ones.
Steps to strengthen your psychic mind
1) Write your dreams down!! As we spoke earlier taping into your unconscious will allow you to tune into your inner divine essence. Dream in itself is considered a form of astral travel :)
2) Meditation this one should be obvious as training your mind is the key. It's an exercise for your spiritual workings and like everything if you neglect that part of yourself becomes weaker.
3) Practice different divination techniques (tarot, runes, necromancy, psychometrym etc.
4) Visualization exercises

4) Visualization exercises