Divination Techniques
Written by Raven White
Divination is a practice commonly used to communicate with Entities, Deities and Spirits. There are many methods that are used such as Channeling, Tarot, Ouija, Pendulums, Runes etc.
Regardless of which one you use it is essential that you stay focused and it is also useful to keep a journal so, afterwards you can record your conversations.
When it comes to Ouija there are some misconceptions, while the entity can choose to lie they are not always. You can actually play alone so in the movies where they say "Never Play Alone" is inaccurate. Also when you are usibg Ouija tried to hold the eye as lightly as possible, speak clearly and have an idea what questions you wish to ask. Also another tip is to research the being you plan to contact first so you can decipher if you are talking to whom you want or an imposter. I will say that some things said in the movie "Ouija" were true or at least I got it to work by immitating how they did it such as calling out to nearby spirits, circling once for each player and always say good bye. I have also heard that if saying good bye does not work in closing the portal that you can cross the back of the board with water to close it.
When it comes to Tarot it is believed you can also get answers through asking questions and you can go more in depth depending what spread you use. For pendulum you can ask yes or no questions but I find the conversation to be a little more limiting but I have heard they are great for finding things. With Runes I find they are a little more complicated but it is said you can talk to the gods with them.
Channeling is the most advanced method and is very dangerous to the user as they are risking possession. There are many different methods I did not mention such as Tea Leaf Reading but I wanted to briefly brush on the more commonly used methods. Regardless of which one you use or why you use them just remember to be focused and be prepared.