Self Discipline
Written By Teala
In the recent years, I have noticed an increase in torpid mindset. That is all well if, you do not intend to reach your desires in both the spiritual or mundane planes. Due to modern western influences, it has become an accepted behavior to indulge your impulses instead of working towards your True Will.
Many have misconstrued the famous saying "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" - Aleister Crowley. This does not mean to indulge in every impulse but to manifest your True Will through self-discipline. If, you do not work towards your goal you will keep getting the same results. Crowley was inspired by philosophy known as Tao (the way) an indefinite force that interacts with everything. The idea behind Taoism is to connect with yourself and give into the flow of life. When Crowley adopted the idea of Tao his gnosis was that the Universe will balance out to your Will. This is the embodiment of the Ying and Yang, not a moral code but uniting forces coming together to create. Taoist has stressed the prominence of patience, meditation, and discipline.
Another commonality embracing one's desires is taught by Anton Szandor LaVey in The Satanic Bible. He stresses the oppression that the Church places on the followers and these unnatural laws will lead man to failure. His philosophy teaches us to embrace the 7 deadly sins to create a balance to the human experience. However, this does not mean to become a constant sloth because you will never move out of your parents home. The key to understanding here it's okay to embrace our animalistic nature along with counteraction to create an equilibrium effect. Therefore, you're not showing up to work drunk ;)
Within the practice of Magick for one to manifest their will is done through empowering their desire: with incantations, visualization, herbs, blood, prayer, meditation, etc. These tools will help you to raise the energy and tap into your True Will. This creation will manifest out onto the mundane world.
When working with demons it takes time to build a relationship. It can involve series or rituals, offerings, meditations to strengthen your psychic connection with the deity.
Regardless of your path, you must be willing to put the work into it.
Hail Satan

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