Curses and Hexes
Curses can be created on conscious or subconscious level; therefore not always intentional. Magick is creation within our mind that can be manifested out in unexpected ways. Majority of the time when an individual thinks their curse is because they inflicted the curse onto themselves. I know it might seem cliché to think positive but constant negative thoughts of yourself will correspond to your higher self-creating a mirror effect.
Cursing through the power of thought is using an obsession over an individual and constantly wishing them harm. Imagination is very powerful tool and doesn’t require fancy rituals or spells. Magick works because of our desire and will to makes it happen. If, someone is thinking about you daily this creates an energy (dark cloud) and applying visual imagery will direct that energy. People with a stronger will won’t be so easily affected.
Curse is meant to destroy your target and this requires hate and to understand the origin of this hate. You want your desire to align with your true will and this requires looking into yourself before performing this curse. You must be willing to live with the results of your curse. Has nothing to do with karma but your own self guilt. So make sure you feel justified in what you are doing. Most curses requires blood, graveyard dirt, and something that belongs to your target.
Hex is sometimes confused as be direct type of curse but its type of manipulative magick. Powerful curse requires more energy and tends to be more complex in ritual. Hexes require less and only tend to last few months vs a strong curse can last a lifetime. Manipulative magick explained by as "influencing or attempting to influence the behavior or emotions of others for one’s own purposes". All magick is manipulative in nature but this style of magick is about your intent. Hex does not require the level hate to perform the spell and hex can cause harm or bring something good to the target.