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Daemonic Masculine Divine

Written by Billy Myers 

I’m writing this to delve into a topic that is 

necessary in magick but also bleeds into life at large. The masculine divine. To begin this subject we must begin with the masculine psychology, historical significance, and then the divine themselves. Having a background in psychology we must establish the male mind. There is the ID. The child in us all. Demanding, self oriented and needing immediate gratification. We all share this component to some degree our entire lives. Men are driven by the ego. This is clear from birth, they are groomed and conditioned to be strong, to protect and defend, to hunt and provide. To not show emotion or show ‘weakness’. In adept males, the super ego is where ‘faith’, ’religion’, and magickal persona reside. ‘It is my will’. Faith in oneself. Belief in demonaltry as a religion or faith based system of worship. The key here is to strike balance of all three. All men either consciously or subconsciously utilize both masculine (positive) and feminine (negative) polarities to exist. Whether they want to admit or realize it or not. Like a magnet, force can not be achieved without both poles. Life can not be achieved without both poles (sperm and egg) being utilized properly. This is true in magick as well. The masculine divine concept is having both poles uniting in one man. Like Eliphas Levi demonstrates in his infamous illustration of BAPHOMET. Showing father or Satan as having an erect penis but also breasts. The feminine moon, but also the pillars of Kabbalah. Solve (dissolve) but also et Coagula (and reform) into one united force of power. The masculine divine archetype uses brawn muscle power strength hardness and balls to convey the yang of male. But what good is one pole without the other? Off balance blocked unable to achieve. The adept male divine archetype is a higher understanding of being a man. Yes it embraces thrives and utilizes the yang but can see recognize and accept the ying in himself and in his magickal or other works. Whether that be uniting with a female for sex or a passive/agreesive male for sex, union is sought and had to achieve success. This also can be brought into the daemonic divine arena. They might provide one pole and to the male adept working, and he provides the other. Sadly in historical context, the male divine far out powered the traditional and correct female archetype. The ancients like the Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian and other pantheons supported both genders being hailed as divine. Over the centuries, and with the blight of xtianity the male archetype became the divine standard. The Bible, the Renaissance, and medieval times, the golden age put a standard moritoriam on both genders and left only the male as ‘GOD’. This is apparent in Solomon’s accounts in the lesser key. Ancient dieties were changed from female to male to conform to the norm of the ages. ASTARTE ASHTAROTH Became LORD ASTAROTH. Combining merging both male and female into one being to survive the centuries leading to modern day. Leviathan also another. To me these two divines have expressed both male and female forms at different times in different rituals. Maybe confirming to the energy I was exuding or lacking for the ritual to work. The daemonic divine bring such power and are capable and excel at anything and everything posed to them. At times, certain divine wouldn’t answer my question to identify as a gender. Some made it clear to be both. Others made it a point to declare neither, to be one fluid gender possessing both polarities if and where necessary. It is far wiser to accept the divine in ourselves on a level playing field of adaptation and acceptance. As a man, I am a man. I conform to the archetype comfortably finding power strength purpose and pride. But I also accept that with working with the divine, they bring their divinity to the table, giving both poles to combine with my own. A complex subject for a more complicated gender than given credit for. 

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