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The whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.

— Book of Enoch 10:8

Azazel a demon, fallen angel, gatekeeper, chief, and a great teacher. He gave humans knowledge of weaponry, beauty, magick, and fire. Due to the obvious importance fire has played into improving the human experience it would transform into a metaphysical art. Keeping this in mind Pyromancy possibly dates all the way back to the Neolithic period. Once humans understood how to start a fire they studied the shape, the color, and the intensity of the flame to create visual representation of a divine communication.

Pyromancy involves using different techniques such as throwing salt, plants, and laurel leaves. How the object of choice would react into the flame would reveal a positive or negative omen. This type of divination is used to gain knowledge, and to receive prophecies. This divination was poplar in Ancient Greece and in China and even evolved into fire worship.

Empyromancy was type of Pyromancy that involved a ritual sacrifice and how quickly the body burned in the flames was symbolic of offering being accepted or denied.

Pyromancy has also inspired pyrokinesis which is an ability the practitioner adepts to manipulate fire with one’s mind. Its break off branch off of telekinesis and fire is believed to be non-tamable element making this skill difficult to achieve. To be able to obtain this fire power you must be willing to train your mind through mediation.

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