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Shadow Work

You know us humans like to play the part of the good neighbor whose flaws are just silly harmless traits. Yet, we all have darkness that remains hidden despite our efforts to cast out what we feel to be evil or wrong. Were conditioned at very young age to believe in this silly concept of good vs evil. When you are told you can’t do that you’re being selfish or bad resulting in your ego self-preservation stepping in. Look it’s our nature to want to be accepted its part of evolution really but the more you oppress the more self-destructive you may come. Awakening your shadow self helps you heal but can also ignite your creative side. Your shadow self has both positive and negative aspect that you must be willing to integrate back into your conscious. Giving you back control of both your darkness and light making you whole once again.

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.” (Carl Jung)

Benefits of Shadow Work

Anxiety decreases

Healthy sexual appetite

Open to change

Emotional balance

It is also beneficial for our relationships with others because what we hate about ourselves we project.

The purpose of Shadow Work is to transform your mindset to be more understanding and compassionate to yourself. You can find different techniques such as:

Don’t Judge your emotions

Write Fuck you letter to someone you hate and then replace it with your name



This process will not easy but very rewarding in the end.

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