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Kill Your Ego

During ancient times letting go of the ego was necessary step for spiritual ascension. As, humans evolved and technology adopted into our daily lives we disconnected from such an idea. Within the last 20 years the mind of occultist was now giving into the ego and fueling narcissism. It became flaw and even being falsely viewed as RHP idea. The ego was misguided as idea of who we truly are and by destroying this we were killing ourselves. The truth is the ego is what we perceive not who we are and it becomes a limitation from expanding our consciousness. It does this by trapping us into the idea our paradigm is the ultimate truth and fuels our need to always be right.

The ego is complex idea that can trick us into different states of mind for example feeling superior or inferior to others. Now those who present themselves better than everyone obviously suffers from a delusional ego. On the other hand those who are constantly seeking validation or the need to feel special are also driven by the ego. What the ego does is prevent you from seeing the whole picture. So. Imagine a pizza broken down into different sections of flavor. When eating just slice you are only going to discover what that slice has to offer vs the full taste experience of that entire pizza. This is the power of the ego it limits your perception therefore enslaving you to you. As occultist we question everything so, why accept our reality and not push to discover the unknown. The reason why many are against this idea is because of fear and the ego acts as safety blanket. In doing so these individuals are not seeking to go beyond what they believe therefore submitting to ignorance.

It was Satan that led me through my first ego death allowing me to feel the connection of myself and to everything. This is why many who break the ego become more compassionate because this new understanding allows you to see yourself in everyone. Now the ego death is not permanent and can be done anytime you need to feel re-connected. Now many who go through the ego death become depress as what they held as the dear truth was broken. You will discover you are not special and there is not some deity or supernatural force with some plan designed just for you. What you need to understand is not being part of some kind of plan allows you to become a creator in doing so liberating yourself from all chains.

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