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Channeling the Beyond

Do you remember those cheesy spooky movies where lady does séance and is possessed by the spirit? Well that’s channeling in purest form that involves communicating with the beyond so to speak. Channeling is the idea of communicating with spirit guides, nature spirits, demons, angels and so forth. Now channeling is not always this intense. When you perform a ritual to specific deity and certain images or symbols appear you are channeling that deity. You won’t get the direct answers you’re so custom too but it is a start. For some this is very simple and are naturally gifted but we all can learn to channel.

What you’re doing is expanding your consciousness out so you can tap into other planes and into the collective energy. This is where I would recommend you begin is learning to work with the collective itself. Now we understand from scientific perspective that energy is constantly transferring and connects us all. You can channel into this energy by visualizing that energy entering into your third eye. This will also help you build awareness of the type of energy that is around you and in doing so can give you the ability to transform that energy into something useful.

Another practice you can do is conscious channeling in where you open your chakras to raise your frequency to make contact with these deities. Pretty much you’re trying to match your vibration with them to obtain information. With this link you will have direct contact with them and they will normally communicate in way you can comprehend.

When you become more comfortable you can move into what is known as trance channeling. This is what I was referring earlier regarding performing a séance. This is the ability of temporally leaving your body to another plane while the spirit or deity takes hold and relays a message. This is said to be dangerous depending on who or what you are channeling.

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