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Spirit Tricks

Written By Bill Duvendack As some of you may have guessed, the title of this piece is a play on words. This is not about trickster spirits, nor ways to swindle spirits, but rather it will be a brief discussion of tips or tricks for working with spirits that I have learned over the last few decades of spirit work. Probably a lot of it is controversial, but we’ll see.

The first big point that comes to mind if that a spirit doesn’t deliver results to you, then just move right the fuck along. It’s the same as dealing with a human person. If there’s no connection, then there’s no connection, so rather than emotionally get hung up on it, just move on to the next spirit. There’s a bunch of them, anyway.

Secondly, treat a spirit like you would treat a person. For example, if you’re an asshole, then expect the spirit to return that in kind. However, if you are nice and inviting to them, watch for better results.

Third, know what they like and don’t like so you can treat them accordingly. This means more than just some quick exploration on the internet. Do your research. Learn their history and correspondences. Get to know them.

Finally, keep your emotions out of the deal and treat it like a transaction. Some would say business transaction, but it doesn’t have to be that formal. It can be a casual acquaintance kind of transaction. Whichever way works best for you would be the way to go. The main point here is to control or ignore any sort of spiritual or emotional connection to the process. You’re dealing with spirits, which means you’re dealing with beings, so treat them like you would treat other people, because they are autonomous and just as valid as any human you’ve ever met.

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