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King Paimon

9 Things You May Not Know About King Paimon

By D.W. Romano

1. King Paimon can appear as a man sitting on a throne made of snakes

Paimon is commonly known for appearing as a man riding a dromedary (Arabian camel) however he does also appear as a man sitting on a throne made of snakes. An old man that has quite an intimidating aura. By no means does he appear to be frail or weak and his energy vibrates strength, wisdom and power. Myself, E.A. Koetting and other magicians have seen Paimon appear in this form, but it is not common.

He also can appear to people as a cobra and/or associate with images and symbolism of a cobra.

2. He cares far more about your works than your offerings

the first time I asked King Paimon if he would like a blood offering, he declined my offer.

He told me that he was far more interested in my works – work done in the name of black magick and advancement of the Left Hand Path.

I am currently being pushed to do more work in the pursuit of magick, King Paimon insists that this is part of the pact I have made with him. According to him I am at risk of breaking the agreement I have with him. While he hasn’t stated there will be negative consequences from doing so, I do like to keep my word.

If you make a pact with a demon make sure you keep to your end of the deal.

3. He refers to himself as being “made of smokeless fire” as if he is a Djinn spirit

I do not believe that “King Paimon” is necessarily a Djinn spirit, in fact being he is a different mask of another entity I am not sure if he could be. Different masks or aspects of spirits appear to exist separate (on some level or in some way) from the entity they are connected to.

He claims to be “the King of the Djinn” and that many of his legions are Djinn spirits.

4. King Paimon is a different mask or aspect of Azazel

King Paimon will never give you a straight answer on whether or not he is a different mask of Azazel. However combining the information he has given me along with the fact that is there a common energy signature in both spirits I have established this as true.

When Paimon has been asked “Are you Azazel?” He will give a response such as “We have the same source.” Or “We are of the same nature.” One must keep in mind the moment Paimon says that he is Azazel he ceases to be, he cannot be Azazel while at the same time he is.

I predict that E.A. Koetting will flesh this out more when he begins his work with Azazel as part of his Gate Keeper pathworking.

There is more I can say on this topic but I am going to keep it brief for this article.

5. He is very well connected with high ranking demons

Since beginning work with King Paimon he has introduced me to other spirits, some of them from Ars Goetia and others than are not. There is varying information out there on the demonic hierarchy, some of which conflicts with the following. Duke Dantalion from Ars Goetia is part of King Paimon’s legions and is one of his Dukes. I have been told by King Paimon that Dantalion can assist with opening your psychic senses. I cannot say that I have experience this working with him though. However I have found that others occultists do claim this which verifies the gnosis that I receive from Paimon.

King Paimon was also with me when I first met Lucifer, my work with Lucifer will be by far the most important work I will ever do. And King Paimon has been of great help guiding me along the way in establishing a working relationship with “The Great Architect” (Lucifer.)

Prior to working with Belial, Paimon insisted I evoke him despite being dead against ever having anything to do with Belial. If you are looking to network with the demonic hierarchy King Paimon is the demon you want to go to.

6. He seems to be unable to relate to particular human emotions such as love

I have never asked King Paimon to assist with anything relating to love or lust but many who have worked with him will attest that he has very little interest in assisting your romantic or sexual interests. He does make very clear that most humans are very much distracted by their animal psychology and petty things put in front of us by the social engineers who influence much of our world.

7. He is an initiator into the mysteries and black magick

King Paimon’s description in the Goetia does not mention anything about him being an initiator into the mysteries. I first approached King Paimon with the idea that he could initiate me based upon the entry in the Goetia for him.

“This Spirit can teach all Arts and Science, and other secret things. He can discover unto thee what the Earth is, and what holdeth it up in the Waters; and what Mind is, and where it is; or any other thing thou mayest desire to know.”

Being that magick is both an art and a science I asked King Paimon if he was able to initiate me into the mysteries and teach me black magick. He assured me that he could.

And it’s been one hell of a ride since I first met this great King. He has taught me magick both by verbal instruction and through experience.

8. He can awaken your “inner black flame”

Inside of us all is a powerful force waiting to be awakened, this is different from awakening Kundalini. There is dark energy from the Qliphoth that is ready and waiting to be ignited.

What will awakening your inner black flame bring forth in your life? That is something I will keep a mystery. King Paimon will show you the way!

You can find more information on this over at Children of The Serpent.

9. He wants YOU to make a pact with him

If you have read this far it is very likely that Paimon is knocking at your door waiting for you to evoke him. Once a relationship with Paimon has been created you may be ready to make a pact with him. You can begin a relationship with him by making a blood offering on his sigil and gazing at it and beginning to call him forth with his enn.

Demonic Enn: Linan Tesa jedan Paimon

You can print out the sigil below (or simply draw it) and trace over it.

Tracing over a sigil or drawing it when done in a meditative state is a great work of charging a sigil. Along with a blood offering this will be more than enough to open a gateway to King Paimon.

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