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Invoking Verrine

I am relatively new to the Luciferianism and Demonolatry as of the December 2017 Full Moon, after which time Lucifer guided me to the right people to help me learn and grow spiritually. My background is from birth to 17 years old, Catholic. At 17, I became a born-again Christian who was always handy with her bible, ready to thump the living hell out of some poor slob I thought desperately needed it – I was the most judgmental fucking bitch you never wanted to meet. Thankfully, many things occurred in my life to help break the shackles, and the thick cement encasement wherein I was previously trapped, and now I am free. I want to thank Lucifer for being my First Daemonic Love, as it was he who beckoned me to True Freedom. Salve Lucifer!

As I stated, I practice Demonolatry, or Daemon worship, which means that I honor and respect them for the Divine Intelligences they are, Daemon meaning “Divine Intelligence.” My worship is no longer the same as fear-based mainstream religions because I understand that the Daemons always look out for our good, as I found out when starting to study and then work with them. As I followed basic instructions of demonolatry, each one has made her/himself known to me in very real ways. One of the Divine Intelligences with whom I have worked is Verrine. She is the Demoness of Healing from the Dukante hierarchy, her color is light blue, her element water, Dragon’s Blood incense/oil her scent. She was very beautiful when she showed herself to me wearing lighter shades of blue.

A few months ago, I had a friend who had taken ill with metastatic cancer, but I did not know upon whom (Daemon) I should call for help. I already had Verrine’s sigil and enn from “The Complete Book of Demonolatry” by S. Connolly, so I asked my friend Rena Vlachoyianni for help. I use candles in all my rituals, the colors corresponding to the Daemon with whom I work, so for Verrine I used light blue and white, the latter being a universal color as well as for purifying and healing. I set up my working altar on my dining room table (I do not yet have a dedicated space for ritual workings) with a short blue pillar candle and Dragon’s Blood stick incense and oil blend. I create my circle calling on the Four Elemental Daemons: Leviathan (Water/West), Belial (Earth/North), Lucifer (Air/East), and Flereous (Fire/South), and the All, Satan (any direction) with whom I start my circle. However you create your ritual space, whatever works for you, do it because it is perfect for your workings.

I began by drawing Verrine’s sigil on a 1/8th piece of parchment paper in light blue color pencil, and I anoint it with some Dragon’s Blood oil, and then I charge the sigil. I chant her enn, “Elan Typan Verrine” while concentrating on her sigil, and when it starts doing strange things like disappearing, reappearing, and glowing, I know it is charged. Here is the chant/invocation as given to me by Rena:

Io Verrine!

Elan Typan Verrine

Invoko Verrain In Nomine Qliphoth!

Liftoach Pandemonium, et Germinet Verrain

In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Verraine

Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Verraine

*(If you only want to invoke Verrine chant, “,” and she will answer. You need only be aware of subtle (or not) changes and nuances around you.)

Now, place the sigil on your solar plexus, picturing it in your mind’s eye in light blue. When I did this working for my friend, I also asked each of the four elemental Daemons to burn (Flereous) away the cancer, wash and cleanse it with water (Leviathan), replenish what was lost from the earth (Belial), and to carry the healing to my friend through the air (Lucifer). What I noticed was that Verrine had me lean towards Leviathan’s direction, as he is the Water Elemental, and I found out later, aids in healing as well. I did not know this at the time, and whenever I thought, “Ok, I think I’m done with Leviathan,” Verrine had me hold that position and focus for some time. I have no idea for how long because of the trance state, but I felt their healing power coursing through me, and focusing on my friend. When I was finished, I thanked Verrine, the Elementals, and Satan for helping me with this healing, and I moved the candles and everything to another altar to finish burning and sending the healing to him. Then I went outside and burned the sigil as an offering to Verrine, picturing the healing dissipating into the air (smoke) and going to the subject. Verrine is a wonderful Daemon with which to work, as are they all. I am grateful for her guidance, especially with the focus on Leviathan, my Elemental Daemon (Scorpio here), and for how she showed herself that evening.


Stergalia Nocturna


Connolly, S. (2006). The Complete Book Of Demonolatry.

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