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The problem with the Ego

Written By Mordred

I really try not to start shit with people in my favored Occult groups. Usually I try to remain quite diplomatic, but there comes a time when someone will just rear his/her ugly egotistical head that I just have to come around with a pin prick and deflate it, because I know at that point that even if someone has studied the Occult for 20 years and that is still showing beyond a shadow of doubt, that that person has indeed not learned shit when it comes to true mastery.

Now, I'm not saying I'm any sort of master myself. I'm likely far from it, even though I was told I would achieve my ascension in the next life or after, but from what I have learned, a most important thing in complete mastery is mastery over ego. That's not to say that ego is a bad thing. It's not at all, but when it controls you instead of you controlling it, that's a real problem especially when you act like everyone should kiss your ass because of all that you've learned. That's a sure sign that you didn't learn shit and that all that reading was a waste of time. You didn't "practice what you preach" so to speak and are what is commonly referred to as "an armchair Occultist".

I'm using the term "you" because I'm directly speaking to whoever might read this. That's my way of trying to teach what I know and what I have learned throughout the years. What has caused the downfall of many of a possible adept is the fact that ego takes over them and they get a big head. Unfortunately, it shrinks the one between their legs which gives them an attitude. This is further cause for pollution of knowledge when they try to babble on and on about their version of absolute rights and wrongs in any Occult system. The fact of the matter is, any reasonable person, understands that morals are always up to the individual to decide and no one else. This is the reality of all things in or outside of any other reality that the individual creates.

Take for instance, dreams. In dreams we believe we can do whatever the hell we want and no one will care, because after all, it's just a dream. Well, what if what you did in a dream directly affected people considering it is a lower form of astral projection? As above, so below, right? Well, then that would mean that anyone you attacked or had sex with for instance, may be affected by that on this plane even if it didn't affect them consciously. The point is, morals change in different places. What's right with you now, may not be right at a different time. It actually might be very inappropriate later on. After all, you don't masturbate in your front yard right? Unless you have mixed up your realities, you wouldn't. That's the mark of insanity. But what is insanity?

Some say insanity and genius are very close in relativity. The definition is trying something over and over with different results. What if as existing in a microcosm we did things over and over to see if we could change an event? Is this not ritual? is said that emotions are widely used in such so that means the best rituals were possibly worked with the worst throes of insanity known to man. Oh, the horror right?

Anyway, back to my point. 20 years of Occult knowledge doesn't mean dick if you've never applied it to your life. The Occult becomes your life and not just in some little group on the internet. It is meant to be applied to change your entire way of living from thought, to action, to wisdom. And of course there is room for mistake and we must have those in order to further learn ourselves. That is the most important task: To Know Thyself. You must learn your weaknesses to improve. That's evolution.

To the next point in question about the Occult: humor. Humor is essential on any path, If you worship God or believe in Lucifer or Satan, you must have a sense of humor even in reference to them. Why? Because to not have one, makes you miss out on the gift of life you were given. Do you think I would be a Luciferian if I wasn't able to laugh at a joke about him? Fuck no. I laugh at anything and he would too. He would laugh at himself. Why? Because he understands laughter and it doesn't hurt his pride nor should it shatter yours when you laugh at yourself or others laugh at you.

I hope this clarifies for some people about how things may come to be misunderstood in those areas. This isn't just the Occult path though that this happens in. It happens all throughout people's lives with other things. Egotism is not healthy when it consumes you and makes you look like a dick to your peers or people who would wish to ally themselves with you. We must all step above it and realize we all have potential to not consider others ignorant for not sharing in our opinions and we must also not take offence to something that isn't meant to be offensive.

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