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Sexual Awakening


By Teala

Greetings Brothers and Sisters

This lesson will explore tantra sexual force and how we can apply it to the Satanic path.

Tantra is primitive Indian esoteric tradition also called Vama Marga (left hand path). The philosophy embodies a multidimensional web of energies. Tantra teaches us the union of the human sexuality and spirituality to elevate pass the web itself.

Tantra has been aligned with universalist philosophy as everything is seen as one consciousness broken down into 2 aspects Shiva and Shakti. The universe/mother is referred to Shakti and Shiva is viewed as the formless/father. Uniting these two forces together as one allows you to expand yourself pass the web and limitations of men. This path of enlightenment is referred to as the Kundalini Awakening. This union creates the immortal soul and can be seen as the alchemical philosopher's stone.

These two forces can be seen as the union of Samael and Lilith. The serpent coiled together making the perfect alchemical transformation thus creating Cain and forming the Luciferian trinity. These dual forces can be seen ruling the Qilphothic sphere Thaumiel (twins of God) by Satan and Moloch.

Each individual has a connection to the Shakti and this connection is the kundalini serpent, that lies coiled at the base of the spine. The kundalini can be viewed as the Goddess Tiamat or Lilith both mother goddesses and symbolized by the ancient serpent. Tantra uses the human sexuality to awaken and fuel the serpent.

They're 4 types of Tantra

  • White tantra - Spiritual Growth

  • Red tantra - Sexual Union

  • Pink tantra - Mix of both

  • Black tantra - Sex Magick

As you can see Tantra can be exercised in many ways. You don't have to have partner to reap the benefits either. This practice can be incorporated into your rituals. The sexual energy that rises can be offered to demons you are working with.

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