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Praying to Lord Satan

Written By Honathan Dewey

I have been praying to Satan for a number of years now. He is one of the most amazing beings there is. I have an altar and I often pray at His altar. I pray for the things I need and I also pray that He will draw me closer to Him. I use prayers like the “Prayer to Lord Satan” in the Child of the Serpent App and I use other prayers I have composed myself as well. I often use my own words and ask Him that something will go well for me or for someone else. I often feel the desire to pray to Him asking Him to show me His will.

I pray for every member of Children of the Serpent and especially for Teala who is a wonderful, inspirational leader. To pray I use an image of Baphomet and a Pentagram symbol. I pray for the woman, a neighbor of mine, who first introduced me to Satan when I was a child. I always have a picture of her and one of her mother on my altar.

It is important to pray to Lord Satan for guidance and direction. He wants us to honor Him and praise Him but also to work for Him. I dedicate my entire life to Him every day. I pray to be close to Him and to recognize the messages he sends to me each day.

It is good to do an hours meditation with Father Satan every day. I sit at His altar and I repeat a Mantra called an Enn. It goes Tasa Reme Laris Satan. Ave Satanas. I repeat it over and over again. Many prayers to Satan and to Lucifer can be found on the Internet. I thank Father Satan every day for the Internet and for websites like Children of the Serpent. For a person like me, living where there are no Satanists, it is so good to talk with our sisters and brothers on the internet. I ask Satan for a friend to turn up here locally who is a committed Satanist.

I was a Christian and I ask Father Satan to remove any interest I have in that false religion. I deny God often when I am with Father Satan and I pray that Teala will be able to attract many young people to the Ancient Serpent who is our true Father. We grow more bold as we continue to pray to Satan and He helps us to become totally dedicated to Him. The desire to be united to Him is the greatest prayer of all.

Here is a prayer thanking Father Satan

Dear Father Satan, I love you with every fiber of my being. You is inspired Winnie, my neighbor, to introduce me to you when I was young. I thank you for her. You have remained interested in me since that time. I am so glad that you have called me to be your son and you devoted servant. I offer my whole life to you. I offer you my body, mind and spirit and all my talents. I offer you all my energy and strength.

Thanks for the Internet and for the many ways you have reached me though it. Thanks for Teala and Children of the Serpent. I ask you to bless us all in that group with your darkest blessings. I promise to be dedicated to you all my life and to lead other to you if I can.

Show me how to do your Will and your work and inspire me to grow closer to you each day. Plant in me the deep desire to love your dark ways and those you have chosen to serve you.

Praise you Satan, guardian of my soul and my life and my destiny.

Hail Satan

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