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Manifesto for the Protocols of Satanic Unity

We as Satanists are in trying times.I hear the cry for unity. I see how we are well out numbered by Christians and enemies even within our own camp trying to mow others down.Doing this without real authority or realistic Satanic doctrine or concepts that have been understood for ages as essentials to Satanism. I shall now share my key points of what I consider to be of vital importance for creating a viable unity that is workable and profitable to the whole of Satanism.

The origin of Satan is always arguable with many claiming they have the exclusive secrets of authority to say whom and where he came from in the history of mankind in contemporary history or in hidden history. I see theistic,atheistic,agnostic,spiritual approaches to Satanism that contradict each other on at least a few points save the name Satan is attached to these variable concepts. It is very appealing to imagine a family of believers where all are "accepted"...I do not know a family anywhere in which all the members think just alike and agree on everything. By the same token I can say they have a bonding point if they are a true family. They have certain values and creeds they agree that create unity. A pot luck soup served in a bowl with a picture of Baphomet on it will not taste too good with the wrong anti-harmonious ingredients. It may seem like it if the cook hypnotizes you and says it tastes good if you eat enough of it.How dare you question my cooking!

I have addressed some issues and key points here and now I shall explain some deep concepts of man and the created universe. I will tell you what I see as being important to the human race as a unit and Satanists alike.I hope I do not lose or confuse anyone here. I consider this a critical point in attempting to bridge diversity in a sensible manner. I will describe how I see a common ground for theists and atheists to combine on synthesis of agreement without doing violence to one another.

Theism denotes a divine Creator,a god that can be worshiped and understood to be The Authority. Atheism claims there is no god there, is no authority as far as a "god".We are "here"and science has sought hard the alchemical properties of the universe on many levels including how it was formed.(of course Theistic Satanists agree Satan is God and Creator) I see one common here that is of extreme importance.If one says states a "Creator" they are stating action and energy.They are stating a consciousness at work behind the universe. If an atheist says they have studied the science of the construction of the universe then they have to agree they are speaking of a consciousness of sorts.Preceding from this are the "laws" of the universe. Max Planck and Albert Einstein initiated this concept in their time. Here are 2 agreeable points.

Energy and law are a part of both theism and atheism. I personally hold to the belief that all humans are hard-wired to a theistic and an atheistic mind and both have their purpose.The normal assumption is you must be one way or the other and it can never be both. I am forced here to give a digression on the positives and negatives on my opinion of both theism and atheism.I see that the concept of theism is traditionally expressed as religion.

I see the concept of atheism is be expressed as science.Both have been known to be empirical and closed, yet both have claimed to be Authority. I see the failure in both of becoming institutionalized moving away from the planes of the spirit for the individual.I see both being manipulated for selfish gain.I see both at the same time stating there are forces you can not see that are at work. I see both stating there is mysteries that need to be investigated or embraced ...therefore ironically hinting at spirit.I see both have been guides to making a code of conduct and points of unity for social and financial development etc. Is it asking too much to agree to disagree on the primary differences?

Would it not be prideful and foolish to not recognize the positive bonding points? Likewise to deny the shortcomings of both? I see an infinitely and beautiful alchemy here that is unique to the schools of thought pertaining to Satanism. Yes the theist and the atheist can agree on some things! Yes they can agree on Satan in their own way! Satanism needs to realize that it has a special property here.The religions of the world that have failed are theistic exclusively. Theism has not failed but religion has. Atheism unto itself not tending towards a spiritual outlook in terms of deity is failing to manifest the beauty and wonder of deity worship at it's finest.I am not aiming to cut on either here. I am saying look at the benefit of these schools of thought working together for the greater good of Satanism and the advantage that has over them common template of the failures of the ages.

Indeed much has stated above and a relationship of spirit is contained in both in it's own unique way. Agnostics can see both sides and understand. Wow this approach to the challenging diversities I mentioned at the beginning of this paper now have discovered a workable point.Here we possess a pretext that can link them all together into a workable fashion. We can exploit the beauty and uniqueness that only Satanism has the potential to boast vs world religions or science alone. What power and honor do we have in our hands to bring Satanism to the forefront!! I wish to add that I see magickal potential of importance to the greater good of Satanism can come from both a theistic and atheistic approaches.I analyze here that collective consciousness of a perceived deity and the relationship of the "collective mind" and soul of theists has remarkable power. I will also say that the collective minds of atheists that agree on an archetypal Satan also create a very similar strong power in their "collective mind".

Both approaches reap benefits for Satan! I shall now reflect back upon other topics touched upon initially in the introduction.... We are all intrigued by the origins of mankind and where we came from and how Satan in writing was first introduced. I could offer several theories on that subject and I leave to each their own concerning that matter. For unity's sake we can not argue origins and get very far no more than we can argue on theism and atheism etc. and get very far. I offer that the more important matter is agree on a basic outline of what Satan represents to the whole of Satanism. I can not ignore all tradition and common understanding for centuries here. Below is a list of what I and I believe a consensus of Satanists could possibly hopefully agree upon.By no means is this absolutely complete for that is not the overall aim of this thesis.

Satanism represents not cowering from the darker side of life and welcomes embracing it and using the powers available. Satanism represents an individual or group using the power of magick,demons,and thought forms for personal enlightenment and growth.These powers can be used for healing or cursing.(I say use caution in cursing. Do not play with or abuse deadly force. It should be done by those who are experienced and.It should be a matter of life and death or to protect your family from dangerous foes.This is my best advisement) Satanism is for the bold,brave,loyal,and strong.Satanists welcome adversity and challenges to prove Satan is strong just as they are and do not bask in weakness or self pity. Satanists are born leaders and need not flock to herd animal mentalities which are common in the following blind and foolish fairy tales made to entomb,control, and weaken mankind. They know how to respect a more experienced and knowledgeable Satanist without being intimidated and yet honor those who have earned leadership roles. Satanists believes in personal freedom and doing ones Will in accord with Satan's Will but not enslaved to outright restriction of basic rights and yet understand the common sense limitations of life and do not impose upon others in a forceful or stupid manner whom are kindred or innocent. Satanists know that Satan represents the highest power of all and is present in all true power and strength is it's many attributes and manifestations.

I thank you all for taking the time to read this. I hope it has been helpful and effective in helping to solve some of the issues concerning Satanic Unity.

Hail Satan!! and strive to work together for the common good of Satanism!

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