Being Luciferian
I have only (consciously) been Luciferian since this past December. Prior to this I considered myself to be a “christian witch,” as if that somehow made who I am more acceptable to a version of god in which I used to believe. I no longer believe any of the Catholic or Christian doctrines and dogmas that at first, got shoved down my throat, after which later I drank the Kool-Aid willingly.
I am going to share some information what it means for me to be Luciferian, I will include my references.
So, what is a Luciferian? What does it mean? We must begin with the definition of “Lucifer.” If you do an online search for “define lucifer,” here is what you will find:
“Lu-ci-fer: 1. Noun. Another name for Satan. 2. Literary the planet Venus when it rises in the morning. (Google search, n.d.). Let’s call this the secular definition.
The true spiritual meaning is quite different, however. Occultopedia (n.a., n.d.) explains how the name “Lucifer” came from the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible, erroneously ascribed as being Satan or the Devil, when the reality is the verse in Isaiah was about the fall of the proud King Nebuchadnezzar. Not only that, but Lucifer is also identified as Jesus in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament.
Confused yet? It’s okay, bear with me.
The true definition of “Lucifer” is “Light-Bearer,” those of us who seek the True Light, which is personal gnosis. Do you call yourself a Witch? A white or black Magician/Magickian? Warlock? Sorcerer/Sorceress? Luciferian? It does not matter what label one chooses, it is that Luciferians do not take anything on faith or simple belief. Instead, we continually search for knowledge, researching, learning, growing, and experiencing personal gnosis (Wikipedia, n.d.). It means that we decide what our True Will is, learning who Lucifer is, what magick is, and how to experience self-transformation and ascension (Crow, 2016).
On a personal level, Luciferian means that I chose to renounce the gods in whom I used to believe (father, son, holy spirit), instead committing my life to the learning about the ancient Gods and Goddesses (now considered demons), religious myths, and letting go of the beliefs that held me captive for most of my life. There was always so much shame and so much fear but not anymore. Being Luciferian, I am learning to accept myself in totality, knowing that no one is waiting to judge and condemn me; rather, I am free to explore everything this and the astral worlds have to offer, free to find my True Will, my Gnosis. Free to find your True Will, your Gnosis.
Stergalia Nocturna
Crow, A. J. (2016). GCOL. What is luciferianism? Retrieved from
Google search. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Occultopedia. (n.a.). (n.d.). Lucifer. Retrieved from
Wikipedia. Luciferianism. (n.a.). (n.d.). Retrieved from