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So I was asked by someone who was not LHP why people practicing the LHP were willing to deal with all the social problems it can cause if almost all of the things that can be done in it can be accomplished by RHP means or even those of conventional religion.

I realized that the answer to this question opened up some really odd territory that many folks new to the LHP and even some of you who were intermediate would have a hard time answering. Why the LHP?

Most people start out in the LHP or the occult in general because they want a thing. It can be money, a romantic interest or something else that would be forbidden or discouraged by conventional religion or the RHP.

Upon working for the thing it is found that nothing is free and the neophyte works to get the thing. This is the real root of the Faustian deal. Not so much surrendering your soul but rather sacrificing hard work and study to achieve a goal.

It is arrived at that anything can be achieved with sufficient effort, concentration and time. One also learns at this point that morality is much more relative than many people believe. The combination of these two realizations are what I like to call the door prizes of the LHP. The things you get for just showing up to the party.

Eventually one comes to the realization that even though morality is subjective, at least the perception of objective morality is beneficial to the individual and society as a whole. One realizes that there is something to many RHP and conventional religious systems, and it at this point that many leave the LHP for something else, but not all.

Unlike the RHP and conventional religion one then finds that the deities and demons of the LHP are suprisingly neutral concerning loyalty to the deities and principals of the LHP over other alternatives. Satan himself seems completely okay with a practitioner invoking angels or even attending conventional religious services and can, on occasion even guide the practitioner in activities that seem oddly out of character like having a salvation experience with Christianity.

This should and often does cause an avalanche of curiosity in the practitioner. One then broadens their study to include several religions and experiences as one tries to figure out why this would be the case.

One then looks at the LHP in a very different way. Let me center this for a moment on Satanism for brevities sake.

If everything the Christians say is completely true then the questions multiply like gremlins in a swimming pool.

Satan, the rebel angel, is believed to have tried to set himself up as God. He knew that God was an infinite being according to the conventional understanding.

Think about infinity for a moment. When you plug infinity into ANY equation it destroys the meaning of said equation. For example N+infinity= infinity. The integer in this equation could be anything. It's value is pointless. It could be one or it could be 9,546,987,321.145237. It's value changes nothing.

An infinite being would see everything as insignificant obviously, right?

Now why did this infinite thing create humanity or any sentient thing including Satan?

What seems to be God's objective according to the Christian cannon? Most Christians would say so we can know Him. He created all sentient things so thery could know Him, know God.

How then, do you get to know people you meet in your normal life? Most people would say you should talk to them.

How should you converse with them? What goals should one have when getting to know a person?

I was always told that I need to put myself in their shoes. Try to see things from their perspective.

So, God wants me to see things from his perspective, an infinite perspective. Really big shoes.

I submit the only way to do this is to become infinite or at least as close as one can.

Was Satan simply trying to fulfill the intent of creation by setting himself up as God?

All known authority is finite. As much as the Biblical allegory of a husband or a monarch being symbolic of God they are not actually the infinite God. They are only idols of the infinite as is our limited concept of this infinite being. The map is not the territory. The Tao that can be told is not the true Tao.

When the LHP practitioner realizes this they start to see conventional religion and the RHP as pretentious and even petty. Insults tho the infinite God. Satan becomes the example to imitate rather than the upstart rebel he is depicted as.

Rather than sucking the finger we try to go where it points. We try to see things on the level of this infinite thing. We began trying to regard all things, pleasure, pain, the pure and the corrupt as the same. The Aghori go so far as to dine on ashes and excrement and even corpses in some cases. In Liber Al Vel Legis it says: " Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt." Even the apostle Paul said in the book of Titus 1:15 "To the pure, all things are pure"

When one arrives at this point the question we started with now has an obvious answer. Satan becomes much more than a replacement for a poor understanding of a deity. The LHP is no longer about obtaining a simple thing or experience but an attempt to get to the root of all experiences and things. The RHP and conventional religion cease to be enemies but childlike incomplete attempts to make sense out of life. No longer the wrong religion or path but just a poor attempt.

Evil exists in all sentient things and the concept of rebellion causes contempt because all people, not just in their heart of hearts but in the very nature of their reality are deeply desiring rebellion, or dare I say liberation. This is the core of the LHP.

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