Necromancy Black Magick
Necromancy Lesson 6
Black Magick
This is the final lesson of the series of necromancy. So far you have learned the ancient roots of the art, how to breathe in death energy, different divination techniques, and how to set up an altar of the dead. In this final lesson, you will learn how to have a spirit do your bidding.
For the purpose of this specific lesson will come with a warning. Necromancy is considered a forbidden art with good reason. Before you begin your practice you must have understood how to banish unwanted spirits and perform a basic exorcism. Unlike working with your ancestors they're some dangers that arise with trickster spirits and sometimes even thought-forms you yourself created. Now, tricksters, spirits can sometimes sneak into your area for the ancestors but as long as you keep the room clean not as much concern. However, for the purpose of magick, you will be inviting unknown spirits and building mutually beneficial relationships. Certain spirits will try to trick you and even cause you to do things that you might not be comfortable with. This opens the spirit controlling you and not the other way around.
Know Yourself
Do not trust the information that is given you (Unlike Demons Spirits can be lazy and like to be rewarded without putting the work in. Or it can be trickster spirit trying to manipulate you)
Respect the spirits they are not your slaves (Look at it like a business partnership)
Have the ability to communicate with the spirits (If you are not medium work on developing the ability)
If you have ancestors altar and devote time to your ancestors it is getting noticed in the spirit world. This is due to the fact that they want the treats and attention you are giving. This will allure them to your area. At this time you can introduce yourself to the new spirit. You want to be careful not to take away from your ancestors. It is best to move the new spirit into a separate room where you will be working with it. You can also summon a spirit and prepare a bowl divination to invite the spirit in. Using incense such as Myrrh can help make an attractive place for the dead. To prevent having any issues with tricksters spirits I do suggest building connection with the god of death. He/She has many aspects and you can work with the one you are most drawn to. It is said to do a prayer to the god of death before beginning any of your necromantic workings.
Now once you have placed the spirit in your chosen room. You are going to want to build a relationship with said spirit and it's important you test the spirit. This can take a few months for both you and the spirit to learn how each other work. Before sending the spirit on difficult tasks you going to test the spirits by questions. This is a process of having the spirit seek your answers and giving you correct information. You must never reward the spirit if they lie to you. The reward process is quite simple at first. The spirit gives you correct answer you give them water or some rice. The more complex the answers are the better the reward gets. It is advisable you do not over reward the spirit at first. As they get greedy and cause problems later down the road. Unlike with the ancestors where you making daily offerings this spirit must earn the treats. I know that might not seem fair but the spirit will not work for you if you just give the reward.
Once you have built a strong relationship the spirit and know they have passed your test. (Keep in mind always test your spirit at least once in a while) You going to send the spirit on tasks to complete for you. Spirits have the power to influence humans much like the star and the moon does. Were all connected to the astral. They also have the ability to travel all over the world without being seen by most. The spirit might not be aware of this either so, you must teach them they have this gift to do so. Spirits like to cling to places they know so it might be a bit difficult at first. With this in mind, you can start having them press thoughts into your manager at work to get a promotion, or you can have the spirit mentally drain an enemy of yours. Keep in mind some humans are not as easily influenced by the spirit world and this can take time. It is recommended if your spirit is not succeeding give them a break and send them on another task. Due to the nature of the tasks, you should make the rewards better. Instead of offering water now offer bear, a piece of cake, and even money.
I have given you the foundations to begin your workings. I do suggest further reading
Book Recommendations
Communing with the Spirits by Martin Coleman
Witches Book of the Dead by Christian Day
Darkest Blessings