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Altar of the Dead

Necromancy Lesson 4 Preparing the Altar

The necromancer altar is the place where most of the spiritual bonds with the dead happens. As Satanist, we have altars to honor demons or used for the purpose of ritual working. However, I do recommend you have separate altar reserved for the dead. I do advise that if you have furniture that was passed down from a past loved one because this would make a great piece, too set the mood for your workings. Once you have chosen your altar it is best to place it facing west as that is the entryway for the dead (west gate). The origin of the west gate comes from sun setting in the west each night, which is why the Egyptians preferred to place tombs along the west bank of the Nile river. Before we continue onto ritual tools keep in mind to have your altar held with the most respect. Meaning you do not let your friends or family play with it and it is best to keep it private.

Now before you add anything to your altar you must cleanse it and do a blessing. I will provide you an example taken from Christian Day book on "The Witches Book of the Dead". Mix Kosher Salt and Spring-water both sacred to the dead. If your altar is made out of wood you can add extra-virgin olive oil. "Rub the altar down with the liquid counterclockwise—the direction of the dead—as you repeat the charm, Beloved spirits, hear my call Bless this altar that it is A crossroads between the living and dead From now until eternity!"

It is highly recommended that salt is never placed on your altar after this.

Choose the spirits you want to work with and be reasonable. Elvis might be busy ;) Think about your purpose and why you seeking the spirits out and then carefully choose who would work best in manifesting your intent. Now set the mood to have the spirit feel welcome and drawn to your altar. This is why some offer tobacco because aunt Molly loved smoking. Once the relationship is created it is best to revisit them weekly or daily especially, if they are helping you to obtain a desire. Your offerings can be honey, food, alcohol, etc. Now the images you place on the altar need to be only of the dead or gods/demons associated with death.

Your centerpiece of the altar should be a human skull and do not worry you do not have to dig up a dead body to get one. (Please Respect the dead and leave the graves alone).

You can legally purchase an animal or human bones at Our ancestors the skull represented the ancestral spirit as well as an oracle divination tool to link us to them. Through the skull, we are able to draw upon the entire energy of the dead, calling on information and sending out our will. Choose the human skull carefully and if you are buying online use your intuition. According to lore, a skull that has a lower jaw is able to communicate the voices of the spirits. Once you have your human skull make an offering few drops of your own blood and also bless the skull as well. If you cannot afford or obtain the skull your alternative can be a representation of quartz crystal. Obviously will not be as strong but will due.

Tools you can have for the altar: Bronze Dagger- for protection and to guide the spirits

Yew Wand- Represents the power of rebirth and death

The symbol you associate with protection (This is optional and it depends on how confident you are with spirits and your ability to protect yourself. It is common to wear the pentacle. Keep in mind spirits can be tricky and out for themselves)

The Chalice- used for offering

A spirit rattle or bell- to invite the spirits

The Cauldron- a symbol of the womb of creation

Incense- Carries the will of your intent

A jar of honey- for honoring

Skeleton key- to open the gate

Candle- the White candle is used to manifest your will and the Black candle is to draw in knowledge

Anointing Oil- for blessings

Spirit powder- to create a boundary

This lesson was inspired by Christian Day book and I do suggest reading the book before starting your workings. Darkest Blessings

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