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Communication with the dead

Necromancy Lesson 3 Divination Techinques

Psychomanteum is the practice of mirror gazing in dark room to make contact with the dead. This technique was invented by Dr. Moody, but inspired by the ancients. This tradition was taken from the Ancient Greece Oracle readers, but may also reflect onto the ancient Chinese Daoist. The mirror is considered a gateway into the Spiritual Worlds.

To perform psychomanteum:

Step One: Remove all distractions/ Suggest wearing loose clothing

Step Two: Find enclosed space, and the quieter the room the better.

Step Three: Place a large mirror in front of the place you are going to seat. It is recommended you a seat in a comfortable chair

Step Four: Enter into a meditative state such as a trance

Step Five: If you are wanting to contact ancestor you can use photos, or think of memories of them The stronger the visualize more likely you will succeed. If you want to know the outcome of event place that thought into your head. Make sure your intent is clear

Step Six: Now light a twilight candle and place it behind you and gaze onto the mirror.

Fetish working with bones to communicate with animal or human spirits. A fetish is “an object regarded with awe as being the embodiment or habitation of a potent spirit or as having magical potency (source)”. It is said by using the bones this possess the power to ground the spirit to our plane. In return can give you a level of control over the said spirit. When working with animal bones you can use them to allow you travel through the spiritual planes and can teach you to shapeshift. When working specifically with black cat bone it is connected to be a powerful tool in cursing, making oneself invisible, bring money, and gambling winnings. This sources from the European contributions to Hoodoo. In future lesson will get into the practice of black magick in bones.

Using Bones for Divination: Step One: Supplies: bowl of water, candle, bell, a cloth, bones

Step Two: Take your cloth and draw a circle divided into four equal quadrants. If you do not have cloth use the ground and draw it into the dirt

Step Three: No reader is the same so designate each sector how you want to. For example love, money, health, etc.

Step Four: Use your Intuition This type of divination depends on it

A simple way to communicate with the spirits or even demons is using the art of a pendulum. This is best done after you open the gate to the other side or during some type of ritual. This can be a great tool for the medium to get more concise answers. As you can get misleading images or words from the spirit or spirits.

How to use a Pendulum:

Step One: Find one you like and program your intent Meaning you choose how it swings for yes and how it swings for no.

Step Two: Sit down and go into a meditative state Think clearly who you want to speak with.

Step Three: Hold the pendulum at the end of its string or chain between your thumb and forefinger. Keep your hand still as much as possible.

Step Four: Ask questions of the spirit you are communicating with that can be answered with a yes or a no.

This lesson was just a few of the many techniques you can use to communicate with spirits. Other options can include the Ouija Board, Crystal Ball, Scrying, candlelight, etc.

Next few lessons will finally be getting into death/black magick. Darkest Blessings

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