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Does Duality actual exist?

Lesson on Duality

In the movie Craft, you see a group of girls out in the woods performing a ritual and they say poplar chant "As Above and So Below." However, what does this actually mean you ask? Most pagans interpret this as As Above to the heavens and So Below the Earth. Yet, we learn from the Emerald tablets (Smaragdine Table), it is so much more than this simple duality nature. What we learn that this is a gateway to your own soul. So, if below is connected to the earth and then it is also connected to your base chakra. This is what grounds you before entering into your own divine self (GodHead). This is what we manifest into the physical world from our mind. As Above is our heaven within our own consciousness our immorality. Instead of working as opposing force it is one within your own soul to help guide you on your spiritual journey. This message is from various cultures and symbols. Today will be discussing the duality of all things and how they are one of the same force.

Now let us begin with one of the oldest geometric shapes found throughout the ancient world are spirals. The spiral represents cosmic force. It is the symbol of your journey coming from within yourself to manifestation. It is your birth and your death, as it is continuous chaos. You have heard the saying "As Within So Without." This spiral teaches your journey into the ocean of consciousness that what is within you can result directly out despite your efforts of control. Embrace the Chaos of your mind and you just mind find yourself. Also teaches you are connected to everything the Earth, Universe, the animals, etc. The human experience fuels the soul. I know sound like a New Ager a bit, but this concept of being One is being taught by our ancestors. Does not mean we need to like or love anyone either.

To continue our lesson, let us talk about the Star of David (hexagram.) It is a six-pointed figure consisting of two interlaced equilateral triangles. A notable part of the Jewish culture, but what it means and the origins might surprise you. In the Jewish religion, this symbolizes the connection between men and God. However, the symbol can be traced back to the Ancient Aztecs and in Alchemy, the interlacing triangles are a union of the feminine and masculine. We learn from this symbol we are both feminine and masculine energy and the body is the ego. If we are both then that means if you believe in past lives you could have been any gender, race, or even creature. This means you are capable of both creative chaos and order. This symbol can teach us many things and is heavily used in occult practices. However, we need not let societies expectations teach us how to be on a temporary body because we are energy.

Moving forward onto the Ouroboros a very popular symbol portrayed by Hollywood as a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. For the alchemist, this was the nature of individuality. This is about creating the immortal consciousness for the alchemist. As you disappear physically you are reborn into the spiritual as individual consciousness therefore immortal. This symbol is very ancient and comes to full circle. In mythology, the Oroborus is a symbol representing the Milky Way galaxy. Myth refers to a serpent of light residing in the heavens. This symbol is a duality of all darkness and light, creation and destruction, life, and death. This symbol unites these opposites: the conscious and unconscious mind. Much like the spiral, it is continuousness and chaos itself.

Now, we have more symbols that reveal the same lessons of these duality's coming together. For example, Baphomet symbolizes the As Above and So below, the Feminine and the Masculine and the Light and Darkness within all. The Infinity symbol reveals the continuous cycle of life and death. The Sun and the Moon is the Light and Darkness giving balance to the world. These forces do not work against each other and if we master this balance we master ourselves. So, many focus on why they need to be all light or all dark. Forgetting the Ying and Yang teaches we need to embrace both. As our darkness is our creative life force, psychic mind, subconscious, the intellectual. The light is our conscious mind and what we manifest from our own darkness.

Now what you should be asking yourself does duality actual exist at all?

Hail Satan Hail the Infernal Kingdom Hail Us

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