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A chat with the devil about killing god to become god..

Greetings mortal in flesh. So you say you know "secrets" tell me!

LHP or RHP have the same goal in the end. Like the song stairway to heaven.. there are 2 paths... RHP puts and outer deity of the All as god and then becoming one with that god to make a person god vicariously... The LHP is about assuming god forms and deific masks to make yourself your own god from within but that is harder to do than a sheep path. Must go deep into darkness conquer the shadow and become a god by your own will. Either path can have spirit guides and messengers.

So you think you know a little? I am not impressed fool! Continue if you dare!

I am speaking in pure spiritual terms above. Not religious. Religion is not spirituality it is a template on a how to book written by men to control each other. Spiritual is the individuals way to finding godhead,godhood,or simply god. The god within or without depends on the paradigm and construct of a person on many levels and ways of consciousness and being.

Religion puts god in a box to be worshiped.

Spirituality lets him out to see the unknown inside to seek it outside or inside a person.

Whether a person be a theist looking outward to god or rather become a god from within that is absolutely personal.

I see.. there must be more.. entertain me if you will...

A certain type of spiritual master can be both right and left but destroy the right in the end to give all power to the left. It is complicated how that works but I a writing giving clues to how that works.

It is like the yin yang and micro and macro being a part of this process,

There has to be a slight touch of left or right to balance the other in the sum.

If consciousness of god coming from the darkness of chaos then we must embrace that all consciousness. Right is not Jesus and left Satan. That is not true one bit. It is another matter altogether I am discussing

Aha! You speak wisely.. Tell me the rest...

It is like hoarding the universe to yourself by being the vampire that drains every crumb of the universe into himself. He must go outward. He must find that god essence in all things and consume it. Once all is gained then commit suicide to destroy the god you ate. Then by the act of the Will the left hand raises a you from the dead to become god. The god without is dead. All that exists now is the vicarious essence that you have absorbed.Then you become god. Your own god! Full power god. That killed the god without to become the god within! Super powerful method I speak of. That is why I said it was for a certain type of master. If a sheep did that he would fall in the abyss and never get out. Be a mad vegetable and drained shell in black cold waters surrounded by hell fires!

Child you are no mortal you are a god! My respects to you wise one!

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