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The Dark Scribe

She/He asks to be let into the library

With her/his Grimoires at his side he/she is positioned

Ancient Texts and Books of Shadows are at her/his disposal.

She/He asks none to pull them off the shelf for them She/He clutches them as a hungry wolf clutches a lamb She/He suffocates in wisdom, technique, history and craft

She/He comes up for air to inquire clarification on what she's/he's already received

She/He asks intelligent questions based on the foundation of what she's/he's already read and acquired

She/He writes what she/he can and transcribes this treasure to his/her own Grimoire

The Dark Scribe is in awe of the wealth of Magick and Art.

Translate this, clarify this, or elaborate on this

are requests that are granted only by the merciful for they have the scars, burns and cuts that came from hunting these scraps of truth on their own

If he/she can't find...he/she looks

She/He uses this to create theory, spell-craft, altar, circles and art alone. To be shared with other of like ilk only if desired, knowing that nothing can replace the hunger and desire of action. Will and intent are indispensable and imperative to advancement.

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