Sex Magick
Sex Magic is very powerful activity. It helps us to achieve our desires. If we have a goal or something we are trying to achieve, then sex magic can obtain it for us. Sex magic is simple too. It does not have to be complicated.
The first thing to do is to have a goal or something to be achieved. Then you can masturbate and, at the point of climax, focus on what you want and dwell on that at the climax. Sex is so powerful as an energy form that it helps us to obtain or desires.
Sex magic can be done by two people having sex with each other. Once again a very clear goal needs to be defined. If both people concentrate on the same goal, then it is possible to achieve it by maintaining a focus at the point of orgasm or climax.
I believe that a group can practice sex magic as well. A satanic coven can meet and have sex communally and in this way destroy an enemy or use all that energy to advance what Satan wants. There are rituals available which I can publish for the group if you want.
Some people use sigils along with this sex magic to help focus on a goal. A sigil can be formed using the letters of a word which could be the word that names your desire. You could use your enemy’s name if you want to curse him or her and so on.
I am very pleased to be in the coven of the serpent and I thank Teala for her leadership and zeal in promoting Satanism. Satan is very proud of her and of us all. I am so happy to have written these few lines about sex magic.