Satanic Pride
When it comes to being true to yourself, symbols can show what you believe. I don't condemn a Satanist or pagan for wearing a cross if they like it, but I don't condone it either. That's just me. Point is it's important to wear something that describes the real you, and not mislead someone unless its the use of lesser magic in self defense from someone who you know will persecute you for your pagan practice. We as pagans must stand for what we are, as this is not 1343 where we can be executed by being burned. This is 2017 and we can fight back. Never allow your clothes to make you who you are, but instead use them to show who you are without your clothes. If we were allowed to walk around naked I'd say tattoo your symbols, but that's more intimate, and your body should be shown to only someone special enough to see it. But we must not just wear our symbols, we must practice the belifes that they represent proudly, and never let people think we practice something we don't. Satanism is not about lies, or deception, nor death. Its about truth, exposing lies, and vital existence. If you disagree, I dare you to say it here, and watch how many Satanists speak up and show how proud they are here. Remember, carry the Satanic pride, courage to do what must be done! Stop letting everyone make decisions on what you should of shouldn't wear. Wear what you desire proudly and truthfully!! Hail Lucifer, Hail Baphomet, Hail Satan, Hail Sameal, Hail Us! And Hail the truth!